


Various developments such as globalisation and digitalisation require companies to constantly develop new strategies in order to survive in the market. Changing stakeholder needs require a proactive and reflective approach to meet them. More and more questions need to be answered: How should your company position itself in the market? Diversify or specialise? Integrator or orchestrator?

Such questions are associated with great uncertainties, which limit the performance of the company and negatively influence the return on investment. HSP Consult helps you to eliminate these uncertainties with a clear conscience through our analyses and self-generated concepts.

Our expertise

1. Induction

Through our specially compiled stocktaking of your company on the basis of various key figures and analyses, we fully understand your concerns.

2. Decision

The conceptualisation puts the key figures and analyses of the inventory in order. Deciding on a course of action ensures targeted research.

3. Exploration

The exploration phase uses detailed research by analysts and consultants to design future-oriented solutions for your company.

4. Examination

An HSP internal review ensures the corresponding quality of our elaborated results.

5. Results

The results are presented and discussed with you so that your company can make the right decisions with the solutions that have been worked out.

6. Implementation

HSP Strategie Consult also accompanies you in the next step and, if desired, helps you to implement the measures you have decided on.

Success stories

  • Advising a respected engineering company in the automotive industry on strategy, business development, sales, project management, HR
  • Advising a medium-sized injection moulding company in the areas of profitability and strategy

Our team

Harald Sturm - Managing Director

Other consultants - Our team is staffed with students from the best universities in Europe, depending on the project.

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